Sunday, day of rest and saying good bye to departing guests.
I always find if very odd, all week you are on this regimented schedule and then they tell you to rest and relax in Sunday. So, I had a leisurely breakfast and hung around the dining room and said a few goodbyes to some very nice people.
I decided to take advantage of having wheels and went to church today. I did manage to find a non-mormon church, though they are few and far between.
Today was my niece Kristina's bridal shower back at home. I felt bad missing it, but I know I am exactly where I am suppose to be. I set up with my other niece Tara to Skype with Kristina at the end of her shower as a surprise. Well, it worked out perfectly and it was nice seeing everyone and especially talking and seeing Kristina. I would like to thank my brother Rob (Kristina's father) for waving a Corona in front to me, knowing all I have been drinking here is water and herbal tea (love ya Rob).
With summer approaching here, it is getting warmer, so starting this week there is a change in the schedule. We start hiking earlier in the day to avoid the heat of the day.
We leave for the hike at 06:30...yuck
We also don't get breakfast until we return from the hike, not sure I am going to like that since I have been eating breakfast at 07:00 the last 3 weeks. We are encouraged to take a snack to have in the morning or on the hike. I will have almonds( 12 almonds for 100 cal) and a banana.
I do not have to attend the lectures in green as I have done them all my first week, the red Gym Class I need to do.
Well, starting my last week here tomorrow, looking forward to a great week!
Ok, I was convinced to tell this story that happened to me today.
The speed limits here change very frequently between 30, 40 and 50mph. I was also told that the police will pull you over and give you a ticket for only going over by a few mph. That being the case I was very aware of my speed and I was driving along looking for a turn off and realized I missed it so I take the next road and am going to turn around..when I see flashing lights behind me. The officer comes out and asks me if I am aware that the speed limit had changed from 30 to 40 to 50, I told him no and he said he pulled me over for impeding traffic! He takes my driver's license for about 10 minutes and then gives me a citation for impeding traffic. All good, means nothing, just a warning. He told me he is required to either write a ticket or a citation whenever he pulls someone over. He also said they pull you over in case it may be a medical situation. Can't believe I got pulled over for going to slow!!