Sunday, 8 May 2011

Day 14 - New Room

Today is a full day of rest.  I slept in a bit, had a leisurely breakfast and finished packing up all my things because I am changing rooms.  For my last 2 weeks here I am having a private room and for some reason even though the rooms are the same I had to change rooms.

Pictures of my room before I settled in and spread my stuff all over the place

Beautiful view from my room overlooking the pool 

I didn't have any plans for today, so I tagged along with some other guests here and went to the movies (I know I was just there on Friday) and saw Thor.

New guests arrived today and tomorrow starts my 3rd week.  I cannot believe how the time has flown by.  The days seem long, but the week goes by quickly.

Oh, my leg is doing much better and when I did laundry on Saturday I made sure I checked my pocket before`I put my clothes in the wash.


  1. The view looks great! I can't believe you are half way there Janet!

  2. So glad the leg is doing better girl...half-way and still doi'n it! Take care for now,
    Tracey N.
