Thursday, 28 April 2011

Day 4 - Treading

Well, good news I am feeling better today than I did yesterday, I wasn't as sore or tired as yesterday and I actually felt pretty strong (under the circumstances).

The breakfast was the best so far!

Today the hike I did I don't remember the name of it, but it involved a river bed, very nice.  As for pictures I ended up only taking 1 on the hike because I forgot my memory card in my computer.

Me holding up the rock, it was going to fall...haha!

Today I went back into the pool, as my leg is healing over. It felt great to be back into the pool, but don't be thinking that pool classes are a piece of cake, they make you work hard no matter what class you are in.
So , "Treading Class" is in the gym, you pick a cardio machine and after the warm up you have to go all out for 5 minutes, then 5 minutes of recovery, then 4 minutes...etc. Yeah, definitely made you sweat , and that was my last class of the day, so it was hard.
 It is so weird to think that tomorrow is Friday already and the week is almost over. Saturday is only half day of butt kicking and is done at lunch and Sunday is a day of rest.  I no longer feel like the scared, nervous newbie I did on Sunday.  Now don't think it will get any easier for me because when you are in your 2nd or more week they expect more from you in class and also expect you to work out an extra hour in the gym when the first weekers are having their lectures.


  1. I love reading your blog. Keep up the awesome work you are doing for yourself at fitness ridge.

  2. Nice going Janet you made through the first worst week and get to relax tomorrow. What are you planning to do other than NOT go to the gym?? I look forward to the daily menu pic, they've all looked great so far.

  3. The menu looks yummy!! Glad your leg is healing and you are able to get back into the pool! You go girl!!!
