Sunday, 24 April 2011

Leaving Las Vegas and Day 0-Checking In

Spent Saturday night in Vegas, staying at Paris, nice hotel.
I did a wee bit of gambling....yeah don't worry I will be coming back to work as I left Vegas with my pockets a little bit lighter.
Not the first time I stood under the Eiffel Tower, but I didn't have to go to France this time to do it.

I left this morning on the shuttle to come to Fitness Ridge, the scenery is beautiful, especially the Red Mountains.  There was someone on my shuttle who has been here before, so she put my mind at ease (well at least she tried too).

Beautiful Red Mountains

Checked in and was given this information package and here is my schedule for tomorrow.
I know looks like a piece of cake....not!  They did the whole weighing in and measurements and I will have them repeated when I leave.
So, I have met people who are continuing there stay here and everyone is very nice and telling me not to worry everything will be good and I will have fun.
Well, morning will be coming soon enough and I need all the sleep I can get.


  1. Well at least you are used to getting up early!!! Glad you have met some people already and they are encouraging. The scenery does look gorgeous.
    Have a great first day!

  2. Hope your first day was all you thought it would be. I bet the views on the hike were amazing!
